Gift Certificate

Registration Form - Gift Certificate
Please save Handicare email to your contacts to receive timely communications.

Gift Recipient's Full Name
Recipient's Email Address
Occasion Date
Donation to which program
Amount being donated
First Name of donor
Last Name of donor
Have you donated to HCI before
Yes             No
Mobile Number of donor (Optional)
Email Address of donor
Payment Options
E-Transfer (preferred method) to
PayPal Giving Fund
Comments (if any)
Note: A certificate will be created and emailed to the recipient upon receiving the donation from the donor. (A copy will be emailed to the donor as well)

All fields must be filled. Filling form is essential.

* If you want to pay by cheque, please send it to the following address:
Handi-Care Intl., 38, Larwood Blvd, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA M1M 2M5

Important for USA and out of Canada donors: We CAN NOT accept e transfers from a non-Canadian bank. Please pay through PayPal giving fund or regular PayPal (using your Credit Card)

Tax receipt for the donation will be sent to the donor.

Sample Certificate