Mariswari. K-Profile

Mariswari. K

Sponsorship Transferred from Sudervel.B (2009) in Dec 2012. Sri Vidya Sponsorship Transferred from Thaslima Banu M (2006) in Dec 2013. Dhanvanthri Sponsorship Transferred from Arumugam.S (2012) in Dec 2013.Sponsorship transferred to Inisha in June 2016. 

Condition : Cerebral Palsy
Date of birth : 23.06.2006
Date of Joining : 08.06.2012
Type of Rehab : Residential
Education : V Standard
Sponsors : Mark Boyko, Ms. Madhavi and Mr. K.N. Venkatraman, P.I. Arasu
Year of sponsorship : Dec 2012, Dec 2013, Dec 2013
Type of sponsorship : Amudhasurabhi, Sri Vidya, Dhanvanthri
Discharge Remark : Discharged in May 2016. She is transferred to PMRC (Parent managed respite center) and receives Village based rehab services.

Reports for Mariswari. K :

The scores may vary from the previous evaluations. This may be due to changes and upgrades made in the process or due to deterioration in child's health conditions.