

Sponsorship transferred from Jeeva Midhra (Jun 2017) in Sep 2019. Sponsorship transferred to Anush Muthukumar in Apr 2024.

Condition : Other Ortho Disabilities
Date of birth : 17.05.2016
Date of Joining : 17.05.2017
Type of Rehab : Early Intervention
Education :
Sponsors : Mani Srinivasan Madabusi
Year of sponsorship : Sep 2019
Type of sponsorship : Yearly Sponsorship
Remarks : 202404-1054
Discharge Remark : Child is transferred to Non service area in Apr 2024.

Description of child condition at the time of initial
Unable to walk, Speech impairment 

Reports for Isanthraj :

The scores may vary from the previous evaluations. This may be due to changes and upgrades made in the process or due to deterioration in child's health conditions.