Sarvesh Maripandaram-Profile

Sarvesh Maripandaram

Sponsorship transferred from Prince Alvin in Jan 2021.

Condition : Autism
Date of birth : 12 August, 2013
Date of Joining : 01 November, 2016
Type of Rehab : Early Intervention
Education :
Sponsors : Sugantha and R. K. Moorthy
Year of sponsorship : Jan 2021 (initially Oct 2014)
Type of sponsorship : Endownment

Description of child condition at the time of initial

1. The child has autistic spectrum of disease.
2. Lacks eye contact, prefers to be alone.
3. Not able to imitate verbal sounds

Reports for Sarvesh Maripandaram :

The scores may vary from the previous evaluations. This may be due to changes and upgrades made in the process or due to deterioration in child's health conditions.