Maha Deva Marimuthu-Profile

Maha Deva Marimuthu

Sponsorship was transferred to Ragav saran Prabakaran in June 2024.

Condition : Hearing Impairment (deaf and hard of hearing)
Date of birth : 22 October, 2018
Date of Joining : 19 June, 2020
Type of Rehab : Early Intervention
Education :
Sponsors : Aarati Balakrishnan
Year of sponsorship : Apr 2021
Type of sponsorship : Yearly Sponsorship
Discharge Remark : The child was transferred to a non-service area.

Description of child condition at the time of initial

1. The child has speech & hearing impairment.
2. The child communicate non-verbally through vocalization.

Reports for Maha Deva Marimuthu :

The scores may vary from the previous evaluations. This may be due to changes and upgrades made in the process or due to deterioration in child's health conditions.